
In a bid to experiment with the concepts of horticultural interventions in the public sphere, landscape architects ambientStudio created a successional plaza.

Turning away from the traditional concept of organized borders and playing with the perception of what is real and what is not, a compact canvas of structured spaces with elegant planting and tactile features created a conceptual retreat at the fair.

Featuring both real and artificial plants, 3d printed landscape elements that manipulated and exaggerated the onlooker’s perception of nature, and indeed of space, the installation created an invigoration atmosphere, enlivening the senses of those who interact with it.

With scents and sounds that evoked nature’s calm, Makulay Segreto Jardin lent the structure to its organised chaos with a conceptual fire-pit designed to bring people together.

The conceptual garden was developed by ambientStudio in collaboration with the region’s leading boutique landscaping firm, Secret Gardens Landscaping.